Looe's gallery

Looe is a picturesque coastal town located in Cornwall.

  • Looe’s harbour is a bustling hub of activity, with colorful fishing boats bobbing on the water, seagulls soaring overhead, and local fishermen bringing in their daily catch.
  • Looe has two beaches, East Looe Beach and Hannafore Beach, both of which offer stunning views of the ocean and the rugged coastline.
  • Looe’s streets are narrow and winding, with charming old buildings and shops selling local crafts and souvenirs.
  • The Banjo Pier is a popular spot for fishing and offers panoramic views of the town and the sea.
  • Looe is located on the South West Coast Path, a scenic trail that offers breathtaking views of the coastline and the ocean.

Overall, Looe is a charming and picturesque town that offers a mix of coastal scenery, history, and traditional Cornish charm.